September turned out to be a busy month for our Training Division. Fulfilling the fire department’s required mandatory live fire and active drill requirements with the challenges and limitations brought about by the pandemic required creative thinking and flexible planning. Over the week of September 21, the Port of Seattle Fire Department held annual live fire drills for all four shifts, an auto extrication exercise, and participated in the FAA mandated Triennial Drill. The team took care to assure protocols for safe interactions. They took advantage of alternate tools and technologies to offset the limitations we face in the current environment. Partnering with the other Port departments and mutual aid agencies, our Training Division successfully delivered a series of live drills in the most difficult of circumstances.
Thank you to Training Chief Jason Schnase, Captain Greg Baruso, Captain John Cole, and Captain Jeff Hendrickx for all their hard work setting up and preparing for a very busy week. Also, kudos to “D” shift for executing a great response in support of the Triennial Drill.