West Nile Virus Each summer since 2003, the Port of Seattle has responded with a West Nile Virus Action Plan that includes outreach, airport-wide regulations, mosquito monitoring, and mosquito control. Health and safety pres...
Raptor strike avoidance program The raptor strike avoidance program is just one of many programs at SEA that helps reduce or eliminate the features that draw wildlife to the airport, protecting both passengers and wildlife. ...
In August 2007, SEA became the world's first airport to use avian radar in a long-term monitoring effort to detect potentially hazardous bird activity on and near an airport. In close collaboration with the University of Illinois,...
SEA Airport's Stormwater Program Stormwater at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Clean water is a priority for businesses and citizens in Seattle and surrounding communities. The importance of water quality encompass...
In keeping with the Port's Century Agenda Strategic Objectives to "Advance this region as a leading tourism destination and business gateway," Tourism Development's focus is to increase the economic development of the region. N...