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Title Adopted Date Category Description Status See Also
Resolution 2660 Tariffs Modifying certain rates, rules and regulations in Sea-Tac International Airport Schedule of Rules, Regulations and Charges No. 3. Active
Resolution 2659 Real Property Acquisition Providing for the acquisition of all right, title and interest of King County, Washington in certain real property for the location, construction and maintenance of facilities necessary and related to the operation of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Active
Resolution 2658 Real Property Acquisition Providing for the acquisition of lands for the drainage of storm waters from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Active
Resolution 2657 Travel Providing for automobile allowances to certain employees and amending Resolution No. 2195 establishing the basic rules and regulations governing the reimbursement and payment of travel and other business expenses incurred by Port Commissioners, officers, and employees.

Amended by Resolution No. 2740.
Repealed by Resolution No. 2778.
Resolution 2656 Salary and Benefits Establishing positions, classifications and salaries for all Port salaried positions; authorizing and establishing conditions in connection with the following benefits: bereavement, military, and sick leave; jury duty, vacation, holidays, and overtime or shift differential pay; medical, dental, disability, and life insurance coverage; unemployment compensation and retirement; and authorizing this resolution to be effective on December 26, 1976 and repealing all prior resolutions dealing with the same subject, including Resolutions No. 2614, 2640 and 2645. Active
Resolution 2655 Tariffs Modifying certain rates, rules, and regulations in Seattle Terminals Tariff No. 2-F, F.M.C.-T No. 3. Active
Resolution 2654 Budget Adopting the final budget of the Port of Seattle for the year 1977; making, determining, and deciding the amount of taxes to be levied upon the current assessment roll; providing for payment of bond redemptions and interest, the cost of future capital improvements and acquisitions, for harbor improvements, and for the cost of operations, maintenance, insurance and administration; and directing the Board of County Councilmen as to the specific sums to be levied on all of the assessed property of the Port of Seattle District in the year 1977. Active
Resolution 2652 Tariffs Establishing certain rates, rules and regulations in Sea-Tac International Airport Schedule of Rules, Regulations and Charges No. 3. Active
Resolution 2651 Grants Authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreement covering ADAP Project No. 6-53-0062-11 dated September 22, 1976 between the Port of Seattle and the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, United States of America in connection with the obtaining of Federal aid in the development of the Sea-Tac International Airport. Active
Resolution 2650 Personal Property Surplus Declaring property surplus for Port District purposes and further declaring that said property should be sold or disposed of in a reasonable manner. Active
Resolution 2649 Grants Authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreement covering ADAP Project No. 6-53-0062-10 dated August 23, 1976 between the Port of Seattle and the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, United States of America in connection with the obtaining of Federal aid in the development of the Sea-Tac International Airport. Active
Resolution 2648 Tariffs Modifying certain rates, rules, and regulations in Seattle Container Freight Station Tariff No. 1, F.M.C.-T No. 6. Active
Resolution 2647 Tariffs Modifying certain rates, rules, and regulations in Seattle Terminals Tariff No. 2-F, F.M.C.-T No. 3. Active
Resolution 2646 Grants Accepting full responsibility for the possible loss of the taxiway constructed pursuant to the Grant Agreement covering ADAP Project 8-53-0062-06, dated May 14, 1974 between the Port of Seattle and the Federal Aviation Administration, United States of America. Active
Resolution 2645 Salary and Benefits Amending Salary and Benefit Resolution No. 2614 to provide for a four-day week and ten-hour day work schedule for computer operators; and amending Exhibit A of said Resolution to change the grade of Senior Computer Operator from Grade 10 to Grade 11. Active
Resolution 2644 Tariffs Modifying certain rates, rules, and regulations in Seattle Terminals Tariff No. 2-F, F.M.C.-T No. 3. Active
Resolution 2643 Bonds Providing for the issuance and sale of revenue bonds of the port district in the principal amount of $55,000,000 for the purpose of providing part of the funds required to refund certain outstanding revenue bonds, to refund certain outstanding second lien warrants and to acquire, construct, install and make certain improvements to the port district's harbor facilities; authorizing the use of certain moneys of the port district to effect such revenue bond refunding; creating a special 1976 Refunding Account in the Bond Redemption Fund created by Resolution No. 2143; providing the date, form, terms and maturities of the bonds to be issued; providing that such bonds be issued on a parity with certain outstanding revenue bonds of the port district; providing for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds out of the Revenue Bond Redemption Fund of the port district created by Resolution No. 2143 of the Port Commission; providing and adopting certain covenants safeguarding the payment of such principal and interest. Active
Resolution 2643 Environmental Implementing the State Environmental Policy Act and the State Environmental Policy Act Guidelines of the Council on Environmental Policy through the adoption of Port of Seattle Environmental Guidelines and Procedures for determining and considering the environmental impact of actions taken by the Port and repealing certain other resolutions pertaining to the same subject matter. Active
Resolution 2642 Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements Providing for the amendment of Unit 18 of the existing Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements of the Port of Seattle applicable to Sea-Tac International Airport to delete certain real property which had been added thereto by Resolution No. 2516. Active
Resolution 2641 Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements Providing for the amendment of Unit 18 of the existing Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements of the Port of Seattle applicable to Sea-Tac International Airport to delete certain real property from said Comprehensive Scheme, and to declare the real property surplus to Port needs and to provide for its sale. Active
Resolution 2640 Salary and Benefits Amending Salary and Benefit Resolution No. 2614 to provide shift differentials for employees in Marine Terminals positions required to work a night shift in conjunction with I.L.W.U. personnel working under the P.M.A. agreements; and, to define Swing Shift and Graveyard Shift by shift ending times. Repealed
Resolution 2639 Tariffs Modifying certain rates, rules, and regulations in Port of Seattle Schedule of Rules, Regulations and Charges No. 2 Applying at Fishermen's Terminal and Shilshole Bay Marina. Active
Resolution 2638 Tariffs Modifying certain rates, rules, and regulations in Port of Seattle Military Tariff No. 2. Active
Resolution 2637 Tariffs Modifying certain rates, rules, and regulations in Port of Seattle Foreign-Trade Zone Tariff No. 1-A. Active
Resolution 2636 Tariffs Modifying certain rates, rules, and regulations in Seattle Container Freight Station Tariff No. 1, F.M.C.-T No. 6. Active
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